Lūcēbint tū domus ducō

Monday, January 21, 2008

Well, it has been a long time...

Over a year, I see.
I thought about deleting all my old posts, but...Nah. They're part of my history, of who I was. Of who I'm not anymore.
I doubt anyone will read this.
I've been doing a darn lot of thinking lately. More than usual, even. About how something can change so fast. How someone can alter who they are and not even notice.
I'm not a thing like myself a year ago, but I don't remember changing. What happened?
I'm not so sure about this new Kathryn, either. She surprises me sometimes. Brace yourself. I surprise myself the most often by not being surprised at things that would've shocked me in the past.
In short: I'm not so much naïve anymore.
It's fun, but rather intimidating.

"Madd" indeed. I spent so much of my life here...

Does anything ever stop changing?


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Oh, and by the way...

The title means 'Lights will guide you home' in Latin. I translated it from 'Fix You' by Coldplay. Took forever to work it out (building sentences in Latin is comparable to solving a difficult equation in Algebra), but I learned a lot. Latin's become my favourite subject.


Christmas/New years

Cheers! It's been forever, I know, and I'm sorry. I finally managed to get all my gifts gotten, at the last minute. x3 Christmas was great, as was New Years'.

I'm still alive, however barely. School's crazy, and right now I'm actually supposed to be working on a philosophy project, so näkemiin, ystävtte. Mina rakastan sinua.


Monday, December 18, 2006


Been sick all day. Got to stay home while mum and dad went Christmas shopping, I'm glad I missed that. I don't like malls.

Off to sleep. Much love!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hello loves. Just returned from SC. Dad had to preach a funeral. It was sad but happy. She was saved and had been hanging on by a thread for ages, so it was sort of good she finally passed on, she wasn't exactly comfortable.

I bought a pair of generic-brand Converses. I'm really happy with them, they're black and white. I shall look for some lime green or orange laces next time I go out, to ensure ultimate clashing with whatever I'm wearing.

It's quite late. I'll be off. Much love!


Thursday, December 07, 2006


Nash came with me to church last evening. T'was his first time at Calvary, he was pretty impressed by the size. I had fun showing him around, I rarely get to do that-if you go to Calvary, you know where everything is, or you learn quick. =)
I don't know if I ever posted about Andrew. He recently (2 months ago?) returned from China and the Philippines. He wants to be a missionary pilot, and attends a local Christian seminary. Volunteers in the kids' program, set-up and tear-down. Uber nice guy. Pray for him if you ever get a chance. Anyway, he and Nash got along well. Too well. o_o No offense, Jason, but seriously, guys are WEIRD.
Nash: (jokingly) Hey, get on *this rolling set of steps* and I'll push you!
Andrew: Okay! *jumps up*
Nash: *promptly pushes into wall*
Andrew: LEFT! LEFT!
Nash: *vainly struggles with wall* *stairs come loose*
Andrew: LEFT! LEFT!
Nash: *pushes at a run*
Me: *bangs head on wall*

...I think they finally got it in the storage closet. I hope. But later...

Me: Andrew, is there anywhere I can lock him *gestures at Nash* in?
Andrew: There's always the elevator.
Nash: I'll just go out the escape hatch.
Me: Nah, that's only allowed for James Bond and Arnold Schwarzenegger. And Keanu Reeves.
Nash: And if you're being shot at.
Andrew: It's broken anyhow. Doesn't open.
*we all walk into elevator*
Nash: Really?
Andrew: Yeah, look. *scales walls of elevator*
Me: Ooo. *has urge to tickle*
Andrew: This is the panel with the hatch behind it. *slides back ceiling panel* *hatch is grey*
Nash: Oooh..
Andrew: *pounding on hatch with all his strength* See? Stuck.
*elevator dings, door slides open*
Jeremy (who was standing in the doorway, trying to go to the second floor): Um..
Andrew: Don't ask.
Me: I don't know these people.



Thursday, November 30, 2006


I have little time to type (6 minutes), but in short, in Florida, I:

-talked to Nash (ha)
-visited a lighthouse
-went to the beach (it was cold and extremely wavy-couldn't swim, just got bashed by the waves instead)
-met my cousins, Seth and Melony, for the first time in 10 years. Seth's, uh, matured in the appearance department. Surprising he isn't married (he's 26)
-met my aunt and her husband-to-be, Kevin. He's a terribly nice guy.
-stayed with my grandma&grandpa. Great people.
-saw my Aunt Kate. Nice person. Engaged to a girl named Barbara. No comment.
-caught and nearly killed a baby anole(lizard). I accidentally fell on the poor thing.
-got souvineers for a few friends.
-missed my friends, and mostly, my high-speed internet.

More soon when I have more than 1 minute. Cheers!



Friday, November 17, 2006


I love speakers. Coldplay's 'Parachutes' is blasting 'Trouble' now, amazing.
Went to Wal*Mart, bought a 60-yard roll of duct tape.
I love duct tape.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I'm walkin' on sunshine, oooh...

Hahaha. Wow. One of the guys that asked for my number at the halloween party called tonight. We talked for an hour, he's so funny.

Don't yell at me, it was fun.

We're going to Florida, leaving the 19th. Probably won't have time to post 'til we get back, the 27th.

Much love!


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Haha. Fun times.

Today Mum bought me a tiny chest charm that really opens and latches. I love it. I wrote down a bunch of names on a paper and folded it up tight and put it in. People I work with, friends, Carey, Joy, Jason, etc. Now whenever I feel the chain around my neck I can remember to pray for you all. =)
And Anonymous or Annie or MG or whoever the heck that is, too. I'll pray for him/her too.

Going to another church tomorrow. Svcks. I'll miss Sunday School.
Speaking of such, can you pray for me in that area? Sunday School? Me and a friend are struggling in that area. Our teachers aren't the best, to say the least, and not only are not learning anything, but our teacher is obnoxious and stubborn. He is teaching the way he understands the Bible, and anything else is immediately wrong, no questions asked. For example, he asked if Jesus ever hung with any rich people. Me, Olivia, and Kristen provided 4, but he had an excuse as to why each one was wrong. It's frustrating, especially knowing that Leslie is right next door, doubtlessly teaching something interesting and informative.

Anyway. I'm sounding bitter.

Much love!


Thursday, November 02, 2006


I went to a halloween get-together with a friend of mine and some of her friends. First time I've ever gone to something that could classify as a 'party'.It was fun-I got a giant bag of candy from trick-or-treating.
I had 3 guys ask for my number, too. It was...Different. Of course I didn't give it to them (I don't even have a cell phone anymore-I broke it, sob), but I also didn't say 'I don't date', which I now regret.
It was sort of strange. I was so surprised I didn't have an answer ready. I would've never expected any normal, red-blooded American boy to come anywhere near me. I've torn myself to pieces so often and to such an extent that any act of interest, I guess, is always taken as politeness.

More when I can sort out my confusion..
Much love,


At least now I have a reason to detest John Kerry.
I hope he runs for President, so we have a guarantee that the Republican side will win.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just a reminder...

Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight! Woohoo-extra hour of sleep. Thanks, God, You know I need it this weekend.
Was at church 8am-10pm today. Deaf revival, running sound/lights. Fun times. Had a Payday&rice krispie for dinner, spent most of the day messing with lights and playing on Neo on the svcky IE-using computers they have. Have to be at church early tomorrow, most likely will not go home. We're planning on 8-10 again for tomorrow. Thank goodness I'm not in Elevate this week.
Yum. Dark Chocolate. Delicious. Propably a bad idea to eat chocolate before bed, but it was calling my name...

There, PHSS, find something hateful to say about this post. ;D

Much love!


Just a reminder...

Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight! Woohoo-extra hour of sleep. Thanks, God, You know I need it this weekend.
Was at church 8am-10pm today. Deaf revival, running sound/lights. Fun times. Had a Payday&rice krispie for dinner, spent most of the day messing with lights and playing on Neo on the svcky IE-using computers they have. Have to be at church early tomorrow, most likely will not go home. We're planning on 8-10 again for tomorrow. Thank goodness I'm not in Elevate this week.
Yum. Dark Chocolate. Delicious. Propably a bad idea to eat chocolate before bed, but it was calling my name...

There, PHSS, find something hateful to say about this post. ;D

Much love!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Had a Shakespeare project due today. It was fun. I cooked a few sort of foods of the age, they were good.

Ugh. Pray for me, it's been an extremely long day and I have no patience left. It's all I can do right now not to hit the dog that's nudging my leg, the parents that are asking stupid questions, and the brother that just won't be quiet.

Appreciate it. I'm spent.

Off to bed. Much love.
